The Salt River wild horses are the historic and majestic creatures roaming the lower Salt River in the Tonto National Forest in Arizona. They are the pride of the community, a favorite subject of photographers and the icon of the wild, free spirit of Arizona and the American West.

These wild horses were brought into the limelight during our epic battle for their protection; we, the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group sounded the alarm and together with the public, we gave them a voice. We worked with Congress and we worked toward positive solutions with Federal and State governments. It worked; while almost gone forever, today the Salt River wild horses are protected pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute 3-1491 (aka the Salt River Horse Act) and we now manage this herd humanely under contract with the AZ Department of Agriculture (AZDA).

This partnership between the federal government, the state government and a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) is a one of its kind and our groundbreaking program is finding the balance between it all. Yet it is not all good news for Arizona wild horses.

While along the Salt River, we are proving that there is a better way, in other places across the U.S., the government would still rather get rid of wild horses than manage them humanely in the wild. Therefore we hope that you will support us and join our mission of humane wild horse management for all wild horses everywhere, because they are not only enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world, but are also a very important part of our history to preserve into the future.

In 2023 we were grateful that the Tonto National Forest successfully defended the humane treatment of wild horses, but appalled that the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest chose to blatantly disregard it. The dismissal of the lawsuit against the Salt River wild horses was a major legal win, but it came on the same day that 45 Alpine wild horses were trucked to the slaughter auction in Bowie Texas. Once again, we had to give it our all and by working together with organizations there, again, we managed to save 45 Alpine wild horses in the nick of time! Similarly just this week we orchestrated yet another 13 Alpine wild horses into good homes, plus we found Bear!

If you helped with Bears costs, or any of our other expenses this year, we want you to know that, -no matter if you are a sponsor or you gave a one time gift, no matter if you donated 5 dollars or 500 dollars-, the difference you help us make is huge. The difference is in changing the course of history of our public lands, but also in the individual lives of the saved horses. Lead stallion Bear lost his family not once, not twice, but 3 times during the 2022 shootings and the 2023 removals. Many of us wiped away tears of happiness when he was reunited with his family this Christmas!

Please click below for ways in which you can help us make a difference!
srwhmg calendar
2025 Salt River Wild Horse Calendar

Limited edition 2025 Calendars. Show your support for the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group by purchasing a 2025 Calendar. These beautiful images of the Salt River Wild Horses provide inspiration and hope while providing the SRWHMG with the necessary funding to carry on with the important work of protecting the Salt River Wild Horses from harm.

Because it is not easy keeping up with all that has been happening, here is a great article that mentions our president Simone Netherlands explaining the issues and the battle we are waging for humane treatment of all wild horses.


Because of the court win, the Salt River wild horses will continue to be managed humanely through our many important programs, which we need continued funding for. We are proud of the progress we have made and strive to set the stage for humane management of all wild horses everywhere. However, it is a never-ending battle. This is why we urgently need your continued support, as we do not get paid or receive any government grants. We also do not have expensive offices or large salary expenses, therefore with our low overhead, 95% of your donation goes directly to the horses. In short, we get a lot done, with just a little! Because of our accredited non-profit status, your donation is fully tax deductible. You can also leave a legacy by adding anything you can in your will, to SRWHMG!

For 2024 and beyond, we would like to be able to do more for wild horses. We see a future where all wild horses are treated humanely and we will work tirelessly towards that goal.

Do you think we can do it? It depends on if you, and others, can join us. By the power of accumulation, if everyone does a little, it will be a lot! Thank you for being part of our Christmas Miracle for Bear, and our greater mission of humane treatment for all wild horses everywhere!

Here are more fun ways in which you can help us make a difference!

Or send a check to:
PO BOX 64264
Phoenix, AZ 85082

Thank you for your consideration of a donation to the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group (SRWHMG), an Arizona-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with the federal tax ID: 46-5280587

In this life, the greatest wisdom is knowing right from wrong; the greatest purpose is fighting for what is right; and the greatest reward is knowing you make a difference.

salt river wild horses

Our humane fertility control program  has reduced the foaling rate from over 100 foals a year, to just one or two per year. The low birthrate keeps the herd in balance with it’s habitat as well as with government goals. In essence, the successful humane fertility control is what keeps the entire herd wild and free.

With this humane management in the field, we are showing that there is a better way, as opposed to cruel and expensive removals. Our way is a win win for the public, as well as for the government and of course for the horses themselves.

It is puzzling why anyone would want to attack these successful programs.

However, the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) last year, filed a lawsuit against the Forest Service that sought to overturn the will of the people of Arizona. Our attorneys file declarations and motions to support the Tonto National Forest in their motion to dismiss. The case is now effectively dismissed, which is a major legal win for the the Salt River wild horses.  Learn more about the lawsuit and what our attorneys did.

Our programs are in the news a lot, watch the latest from Fox10!

Arizona forest refuses offer from group to help control wild horse population. Here’s the reason why

An Arizona group has had some success in controlling the Salt River Wild Horse population, but as they set their sights on wild horses in other parts of Arizona, some officials are refusing the group’s offer.

Managing Wild Horses Humanely

We, the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group (SRWHMG), perform the scope of work under contract with the State, with integrity and humanity for all of the horses in the Salt River Herd.

Humane management includes many different aspects, from administering humane birth control, to rescuing injured wild horses when needed, to fencing maintenance which keeps them safe from the roads. With our large volunteer force we monitor the horses daily, help them cross the roads when necessary and we are available for emergencies 24/7.

Components of successful wild horse management:

  1. A data collection program that monitors the health of the herd and keeps records of each individual in it.
  2. A fertility control program backed by the Science and Conservation Center to stabilize population growth.
  3. A rescue program for critically injured wild horses and humane euthanasia in cases where a horse would otherwise die a cruel death. (See Valentina with her horrible broken leg.)
  4. An emergency response program, including a feed program during severe drought. We have been able to sustain the entire herd in good condition even during the worst of natural conditions.
  5. A habitat improvement program; cleanups and downed barbed wire removal plus any other safety hazards to wild horses.
  6. A road patrol program to keep horses off the roads and out of dangerous areas. (and close gates that people forget to close)
  7. Fencing maintenance program, which is important in keeping horses safely behind the fences.

SRWHMG does not receive any funds or grants from the government and we do not charge them for what we do. Our programs enjoy broad public support, and rely entirely on YOU, the public.

Our non profit organization is a public asset,  and the Salt River wild horses are an economic boon for the State of Arizona and a historic treasure that we carry into the future.

What is Humane Birth Control and Why is it Important?

We use PZP (Porcine Zona Pelucida) immuno-contraception to stabilize population growth. It is darted in the field by our certified volunteers, without capturing wild horses. PZP is the only acceptable form of birth control for wild horses, as it does not harm nor influence their hormones and therefore does not harm or influence their reproductive behaviors and herd dynamics.

Any other form of birth control, such as geldings or overie-ectomies, are cruel, expensive, and will influence their hormones, which is why we do not support those forms of birth control for wild horses.

Birth control is important, because the herd is fenced in by civilization on all sides and their resources are limited; therefore they cannot grow exponentially. The goal of this program is for each horse born in the wild, to be able to live out its life in the wild.

PLEASE Join us in this historic movement to ensure that these beautiful wild horses remain wild and free and managed humanely.

Giving Care and Sanctuary:

We operate a sanctuary for the wild horses we rescue. While wild horses are very good at healing and at taking care of themselves in the wild, nature can be very cruel sometimes. When there is unnecessary suffering and we can do something about it, we will. Most of the time, the  rescues are necessary due to human influences, such as barbed wire, cattle guards, traffic or accidental human interference. Once we rescue a suffering wild horse we are committed to providing that horse sanctuary and a quality life. But we cannot do this without you. Please consider becoming a sponsor for one of our wonderful rescued Salt River wild horses.


YOU can make a difference!

All of the SRWHMG non-profit programs are dedicated to safeguarding wild horse habitat and using humane standards of treatment.  Every dollar of your tax deductible donation will go towards the horses directly. To donate  click here.  For checks, our mailing address is: SRWHMG, PO BOX 64264, Phoenix, AZ 85082. You donation saves lives. Thank you.

There is no reward greater, than knowing you have made a difference.

Connect with us through our social media pages;  follow srwhmg on facebook  follow srwhmg on twitter  

New Products Now Available!

Background: In 2015, when the impound notice for their removal was posted by the Forest Service, we knew that it would take an unprecedented public outrage to prevent this disastrous fate. We gave it our all; we alerted the media, we held many rallies, and we filed an injunction in federal court. What happened next, was amazing, it was the unprecedented public outrage we needed, and then some- the people of Arizona and its politicians gave these iconic wild horses a voice. Eventually, the Forest Service agreed to rescind the impound notice. Together, we changed the course of history for the Salt River wild horses, who now have a legal right to live on the Salt River in Arizona and are protected under State law. We are now under contract with the AZDA to manage the horses humanely. More than 100 news pieces can be found when you search “Salt River Wild Horse Management Group” , including pieces on CNN, the New York Times, USA Today, the Washington Times and local stations ABC15, FOX10, CBS5/3tv and 12News. It is important to remember this public outrage that was a reflection of how cherished this herd is. The public wants to see these wild horses treated humanely and remain in their historic habitat.

more saved


On the top of a steep mountain, three month old Mori stood all alone, disoriented and blinded with a broken skull. We rescued her on Nov 14th 2017. Her prognosis was bleak..

about salt river wild horse management group


The Salt River Wild Horse Management Group (SRWHMG) is an Arizona non-profit organization 501(c)3, dedicated to monitor, study and protect the Salt River wild horses, who reside in the Tonto National Forest, Arizona…

volunteer to rescue horses


There are so many jobs to do, from monitoring horses on the river, to fixing fences to keep horses off the roads, to organizing and fundraising. We have sales booths and events and also there is lots of mucking to do at our Facility!

Our Mission: Ensure Their Long Term Protection and Humane Management

The Salt River wild horses are the historic and majestic creatures roaming the lower Salt River in the Tonto National Forest in Arizona. They are the pride of the community, a favorite subject of photographers and the icon of the wild, free spirit of Arizona and the American West.

These wild horses were brought into the limelight during  our epic battle  for their protection; the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group together with the public gave them a voice. We worked with congress and we worked toward positive solutions with Federal and State governments. It worked; while almost gone forever, today the Salt River wild horses are protected pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute 3-1491 (aka the Salt River Horse Act).  We are now under contract with the AZ Department of Agriculture (AZDA) to manage this herd humanely. This partnership between the federal government, the State Government and a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) is a one of its kind and our groundbreaking program is finding the balance between it all.

So close to being gone forever, the Salt River wild horses now roam peacefully along the banks of the lower Salt River, enjoyed by the thousands of visitors to the Tonto National Forest. Together, we changed the course of history, together we have the responsibility to manage them humanely as part of our national heritage.

Our Mission: Ensure Their Long Term Protection and Humane Management

The Salt River wild horses are the historic and majestic creatures roaming the lower Salt River in the Tonto National Forest in Arizona. They are the pride of the community, a favorite subject of photographers and the icon of the wild, free spirit of Arizona and the American West.

These wild horses were brought into the limelight during  our epic battle  for their protection; the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group together with the public gave them a voice. We worked with congress and we worked toward positive solutions with Federal and State governments. It worked; while almost gone forever, today the Salt River wild horses are protected pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute 3-1491 (aka the Salt River Horse Act).  We are now under contract with the AZ Department of Agriculture (AZDA) to manage this herd humanely. This partnership between the federal government, the State Government and a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) is a one of its kind and our groundbreaking program is finding the balance between it all.

So close to being gone forever, the Salt River wild horses now roam peacefully along the banks of the lower Salt River, enjoyed by the thousands of visitors to the Tonto National Forest. Together, we changed the course of history, together we have the responsibility to manage them humanely as part of our national heritage.