Make a Donation

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With your vital donation you will become their guardian!

Great responsibility lies with us, The Salt River Wild Horse Management Group. We manage the Salt River wild horses under State Law ARS 3-1491 under contract with the Arizona Department of Agriculture.

It is our job to prove what we have always said: “this herd can be managed for the public and by the public!”. We invite you to be part of this important mission, with a monthly donation, you will become an important guardian of this herd.

Our humane management programs are multifaceted; from improving their habitat, to emergency rescues, to public education, to our important fertility control program.  Reducing the population growth ensures that every horse born in the wild can stay in the wild.

These monumental feats are not without monumental costs. Although we are the designated management group, we do not get paid or receive any government grants.  We count 100% on YOU, the public, to continue our important work.

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Donation Total: $25 One Time

Please, will you consider a donation to ensure their future? Because we are an all volunteer group, every dollar of your donation will go towards the horses well being.

Please click the donate button and set your amount, every dollar counts! You can also make the donation in someones honor, and give that to them as a gift! They will receive a beautiful thank you card certifying the donation in their name.

If you like paypal, our address is:, and for checks our mailing address is: SRWHMG, PO BOX 64264, Phoenix, AZ 85082.  Your donation is tax deductable.

There exists no greater reward, than knowing you made a difference.