📰 Here’s a story of two different kinds of people in the world: The Talkers and the Doers.

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📰 Here’s a story of two different kinds of people in the world: The Talkers and the Doers.

📰 Here’s a story of two different kinds of people in the world: The Talkers and the Doers.

The talkers wanted to be the ones to do something, but they didn’t. The doers did something immediately but didn’t have much time to talk about it.

The talkers started talking about what the doers were doing, as if they knew much better, because that disguises the fact that they didn’t do anything and still don’t feel like doing anything.

The talkers will talk bad about doers, because the doers got something done, that the talkers wished they had. Talkers can get bitter and mean to doers who get things done, because they want the credit that results from the hard work, except without doing the doing.

The sad thing is that talkers don’t concentrate on actual bad people, but they concentrate on the people that they wish they were, but aren’t.

They have to spin whatever doers are doing into a bad thing, so that they don’t have to feel bad about themselves not having done the same thing, which they could have done, but didn’t.

You know you have accomplished something big, when talkers just can’t stop talking about how badly you did the thing they didn’t do.

Talkers are people who disguise the fact that they cant get anything done, by talking as if they could do better. But of course they can’t because it’s much easier to talk instead of do.

The Doers know that talk only goes so far. Doers are result focused. They are too busy to talk bad about anyone. They don’t have any jealousy issues because they set out to do something and then get it done. They have self esteem that results from their accomplishments.

Meanness originates from frustration and lack of self esteem, which usually comes from a lack of accomplishments.

Get something done, stand on your own accomplishments and don’t bash anyone = you are a doer.

Focus on what someone else is doing and act like you can do it better = you are a talker.

Applaud the doers of the world and don’t get fooled by the talkers!

SRWHMG, doing things that someone needs to do that otherwise aren’t getting done.

Words by SRWHMG Simone Netherlands

Great Picture of happy Salt River horses by SRWHMG Cricket Weber