2 Little Orphan Salt River Wild Horses Feeling Fine!
2 little orphan Salt River wild horses feeling fine!
Snow is finally strong enough to be together with Gideon. He is not afraid to tell Gideon no!
Snow, after losing his mother Snow White, almost died from mesquite bean poisoning. It caused severe acidosis, anemia and hypoglycemia. His blood work was awful and his heart rate only 45 at one point. He had plasma, IV fluids and we have fed him Well-Gel and Ultra24. As you can see he is finally doing better!
Gideon was a premature tiny foal when found. We have given him lots of round the clock care and he is doing awesome, which you can tell by his great muscle tone and his bright attitude. These foals are both 7 weeks old and very small for their age, because of the challenges they faced. Raising orphan foals is tedious and time intensive work, but they are worth it! They will be best buds for life we’re sure. If you would like to sponsor them, please visit our website: www.srwhmg.org
We want to thank all of their sponsors as well as gifts of Ultra24 (milk replacer) from our Amazon wishlist. We go through that super fast! Grateful for your support.