4 weeks of acclimation, 2 days of training.

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4 weeks of acclimation, 2 days of training.

4 weeks of acclimation, 2 days of training.

September 8th

This is the 4th week that they’ve acclimated, but it’s only the second day of patient training. The Alpine wild horses are wonderful animals who were callously torn from their historic home in the Apache Forest. The Apache Sitegreaves Forest Service will be selling 60 more before the end of the year, at public auction, even while it is almost impossible to find them good homes. We want to assure everyone that these horses are very trainable, even the stallions. They want to keep their families and we hope that more people will consider keeping some small families together. Look at how sweet this papa stallion is. If you have a few acres (that need to be mowed), let us know!

#alpinewildhorses #srwhmg