Birth control darts used on Salt River horses
Please thank 12news for this newspiece!
**The protected Salt River wild horses reside in the Tonto National Forest on FS land and are managed by the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group under the Arizona Department of Agriculture.** This herd was saved from roundup and removal, but is surrounded by civilization on all sides and has only 20.000 acres to live on. Their growth rate has been around 14% per year. **After many years of advocating for this humane way to stabilize the population, we have now started our PZP birth control program and it is off to a great start. **Without such a program, there will be roundups in the future, and neither we, nor the public of Arizona want that. We are trying to make sure that every horse born on the river can stay on the river. **It also gives the younger and older mares a nice break from having babies and that improves their overall health and condition. **Please feel free to ask us any questions about this program that you may have, we will be happy to answer them.