Happy Anniversary! (2/2)
“Always fight for what you believe in and give it your all, because you might just change the course of history.” – Simone Netherlands
It was 112 degrees on August 5th, at this rally 4 years ago, it is hard to believe that it has been that long. We were in a fight…not for our lives, but for the lives of the Salt River wild horses. The urgency was as real as if it were us that were condemned.
Horse supporters heard the alarm that went around the world…the call was loud and clear. The message was, we cannot let them become history!
While many hundreds of thousands of horse lovers joined forces, and many organizations and legislators and politicians worked hard, it was one person who sounded the alarm…one person who brought everyone together, one person with the vision for the future..Simone Netherlands, president of the Salt River Wild Horse Management Group.
With her guidance, leadership and the ability to reach across the table in negotiations, Simone in four years has accomplished the following:
- Establishing this group with enough dedicated people to get the job done.
- Refining the language of HB 2340, the Act protecting the Salt River wild horses signed by Governor Ducey.
- The contract with the State Department of AG to manage the Salt River wild horses.
- Managing the horses using the PZP birth control program.
- Working with MCDOT for safety improvements on Bush Hwy.
- Establish a rescue center for injured Salt River wild horses.
- Raising enough funds to keep it all going, and to feed the entire herd when needed.
She always says, without all of your support it’s not possible, and that’s true, it does take a village, it takes this community and the support of its legislative leaders.
Us volunteers, we all carry a piece of the puzzle, we need all of us and we need all of you, but our success is still driven on a daily basis by the most tenacious person we know…Simone Netherlands, thanks for all you do! Here’s to the future of the Salt River wild horses!
Written by longtime SRWHMG volunteer,
Pam Buschbacher.