Beautiful, gorgeous ever watchful lead stallion Coconino.
June 11th
He is in the Alpine wild horse auction with most of his band (but not all). We almost didn’t recognize him in the bad cell phone auction pictures.
Removed from the Apache Sitgreaves Forest, just last week, seperated from his family, stuffed together with 21 other stallions, this amazing specimen of a historic wild horse, has no choice but to await his fate. Which would be the killbuyers truck, except for 206 angels who wouldn’t have it. (This is an auction without limitation to slaughter, #shameonASNF)
Thanks to these 206 angels who fully funded our Alpine auction fundraiser, we will bid on Coconino plus his family, and he will run with his beloved mares once more. 😭
We want to thank the beautiful sanctuary we are partnering with: the Wild Horse Refuge. 💕
THANK YOU FOLLOWERS AND WILD HORSE ANGELS!!! Hang inthere Coconino, not much longer now.