This is why we carry around a carpet at all times! A domestic horse got stuck in the cattleguard.
This is why we carry around a carpet at all times! Poor Misty, a beautiful domestic horse got stuck in the cattleguard on Goldfield road this afternoon.
This video may not be for everyone, but she was lucky, great teamwork saved her. She is doing ok still at the vet and is expected to recover! GREAT JOB EVERYONE.
Thank you MCSO Lake patrol, thank you Dr. Holden (AZEquine), Thank You Rural Metro Engine 859, Thank you Forest Service and ofcourse thank you SRWHMG Volunteers!!
P.S. We strongly advocated for horse safe cattleguards, because they do exist, but we (obviously) did not get them. MCDOT did add some safety features, but once a horse is in it, they are the worst cattleguards that exist. They are sharp underneath so they always cut flesh and tendons and most times break legs also. We have had to euthanize 2 wild horses and we have been able to save two. (Neiman and Ladybird) and Misty will make it also!