Quantifying the Economic Advantages of Wild Horse-Generated Fuel Reduction in the Tonto National Forest.
Stage 1 fire restrictions are currently in order in the Tonto U.S. Forest Service-Tonto National Forest. Five human caused huge Brushfires have already burned over 20.000 acres all around and close to the habitat of the Salt River wild horses; the Forest Service has been doing an amazing job fighting those wildfires.
Here is the beloved family band of Venus and baby Iris, and they are unwittingly hard at work. Does anyone have a guess as to the comparative monetary value of this fire fuel reduction?
How much would it cost to weedwack 20.000 acres? And how much has it already cost fighting all the huge brushfires, not even 15 miles from this horse habitat?
Let us be clear, we are not blazingly stating that there could never be a fire here, because all it takes is someone throwing out a cigarette. However, we are confidently saying that reducing dry tinder under trees, reduces both the risk as well as the severity of wildfires.
This video, taken this 3rd week of May, is pretty hard to argue with, is it not?
It is about time wild horses get some credit for the positive economic benefits they have on their habitat! If you agree, please help share everywhere, it’s important. Please be safe and heed fire restrictions everyone! SRWHMG.
(listen to the satisfying munching sounds and whinnies of the horses!)