A survivor against all odds, watch how Neiman crosses the river raging.
Background: Neiman Got caught in a snare trap once, got tooth surgery once and got rescued out of cattleguard once sustaining a bad leg injury. He is fully healed now and still enjoys his life in the wild, and wild it gets!
The Salt River is not a naturally flowing river, the flow is 100% controled by SRP, (Salt River Project), and the output at the dams is called CFS, Cubic Feet per Second. Yesterday, with an output around 1400 CFS, MCSO had to rescue one hundred (100) people out of the river, that’s why Water Users Rec Area was closed.
Be careful everyone, it’s not a lazy river!
For the horses it’s not too big a deal when it runs between 500 and 1300, but anything above that can give our volunteers the tiniest bit of anxiety, because it has happened that Salt River horses have drowned, even adult ones. For Neiman however, this was a peace of cake!
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Video by SRWHMG Thereza H.