Alpine wild horses in real trouble again! But YOU could help!

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Alpine wild horses in real trouble again! But YOU could help!

Alpine wild horses in real trouble again! But YOU could help!

Such terrible news we have. Alpine wild horses in real trouble again! But YOU could help! Yes, You! It only takes ONE email from you and ONE phonecall. Please consider that if everyone really does it, including you, it will actually make a huge difference, and it takes a few minutes that you’ll never regret! Let us explain more…

Some truly underhanded horrid things are happening with the wild horses living in the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest, in Arizona. They are happening under the leadership of Forest Supervisor Rob Lever, and the kenivering of Jackie Hughes, the roundup contractor, plus don’t forget the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) instigating it all.

We find out today that Jackie Hughes, the cruel FS contractor, again, without ANY notice to the public, is funneling wild horses from the Apache Forest, to Texas, to the god-awful Cleburne Auction for the sale this Wednesday! (Jackie was banned from the Bowie livestock auction last year.) There are no good buyers for untrained wild horses.

We cannot find a posted notice of impound for these horses and all we have is a weird photoshopped image, so we dont know who these horses are, but if they came from Jackie Hughes, then they came from the beautiful and cool Apache Sitgreaves Forest. What have these horses done to anyone to deserve the worst of torture.

In addition, Jackie has a new public auction for Alpine wild horses posted on her website Rail LazyH on July 13th and 14th! This means that they caught the last strong holds of bands of Alpine wild horses!
We are not allowed to participate in these “public” online auctions, because Jackie acts completely lawless without oversight and its not a secret that she doesn’t like us. Also she knows we are too far away from Cleburne, Texas.

So practically no one can save these precious horses now, because everyone legitimate who was able to save Alpine wild horses, already did. Through working with our many contacts and partners we’ve found good homes and sanctuaries for 338 Alpine wild horses. And yet, the Apache Sitgreaves still refuses to work with us.

We should add that there is a one woman rescue who is raising funds right now, but sadly we cannot work with this woman until she learns what horses actually eat, and how to post honest (full body) live updates, on her rescues, including Eleonore, who was supposed to go back with her band. Sadly, we have been fooled.

Even sadder that in this day and age, where everyone knows the public doesn’t want slaughter for these beautiful sentient horse families, that we find ourselves OUT of options! Except one giant public outrage bigger than ever before, but that is a long shot. ( because the Apache Sitgreaves Forest Service, even while they are public servants, like to ignore their phones and emails. )

The only thing left is to reach the very highest levels of the Forest Service. We need to explain thoroughly that these are our public lands, and we the public, will not stand for this medieval cruel barbarity anymore. They will pretend that there are good buyers at these auctions, but there are not. The horses will travel from auction to auction with the killbuyer, in the heat, for a few weekends. Unless some miracle happens, they are slaughtered in Mexico for human consumption. The auctions themselves advertise the “slaughterdates”, so there’s not much denying it.

The option of horse slaughter for our icons of the American West should be OFF the table!

An outrage will only work if YOU are willing to copy and paste this, (our last ditch effort) to all your friends and family, and then take some time out of your own busy day, to stand up for these poor wild horses. It would work only if everyone -including YOU- was brave enough, cared enough, and really did it.

We are posting all the pertinent contacts to cc in an email. Please type up, just a few sentences and ask Forest Service Chief Randy Moore to do right by wild horses. Even though they’ll tell you they are not wild horses, these are literally the most historic wild horses in America originating from the Coronado expedition, living still ON the Coronado trail!

The Apache Sitgreaves National Forest needs to stop paying a crooked contractor millions to send horses to slaughter, and instead start working with advocates to find good homes!

Wild horse advocates are not the actual enemies of the Forest Service, they are the actual solution.
Are you ready to help?

Here are the contacts, you only need to send ONE email and cc them all. Just copy and paste! (Cc us too because the best email of them all will win a huge wild horse canvas!)

Send your email to : [email protected], then put in the cc field:

[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]

TELL THEM POLITELY but strongly, in your own words:

Who you are, and why you believe wild horses should not be secretly funneled to slaughter auctions! There are no good buyers there! Then ask that the Forest Service stop working with the dishonest contractor Jackie Hughes, and start working with Advocates like Salt River Wild Horse Management Group, towards adoptions and humane solutions!

Right after u hit send, you then place a quick phonecall to Randy Moore’s office 202-205-1661 and say that you sent an email and you’d like a response and a call back. The assistant who picks up the phone is really sweet, so please be nice to her! Its never the employee’s fault, they don’t even know that the Apache Sitgreaves purposely means for these horses to be slaughtered.

If you get the answering machine, just leave a message, state your name and Say “I care about wild horses, stop sending them to slaughter auctions and start treating them humanely!

They need YOU. Please do it now, or forever hold your peace when they are gone. THANK YOU!

P.S. You should know that the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest is entirely different from the Tonto National Forest, so please don’t bother our Tonto National Forest.

However Randy Moore, the highest Forest Service Chief, is in charge of both!

P.S2. we have tried to raise enough funds to sue the Apache Sitgreaves and Jackie Hughes, but only raised a tiny portion of what would be needed.