It’s a WONDERfull world again!!!

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It’s a WONDERfull world again!!!

It’s a WONDERfull world again!!!

It’s a WONDERfull world again!!! Wonder is SAFE with his band!! This is him confirmed, at this very moment, with his band again!! Healthy and uninjured. Drone picture courtesy of Drew and Shannon Hastings. Yeay, tears of joy!!

THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR GOING OUTTHERE!!! This is why we love our community so much, what a WONDERfull turnout! We’ve been on the phone all day coordinating and so many supporters responding!

So here’s what actually happened:

Wonder got separated from his band when he struggled and floated down the river in the chute at CB Island. The band ran around screaming on the island for a bit and then we saw them crossing to the other side without him. They ran like the wind, (see picture of the band running without him), we then could only hear them running and calling behind the bushes, and then we lost them.

That’s when we issued the alert. The band did the job much better than we ever could, and apparently found him downstream, somewhere!! Amazing!! Just more evidence, of how amazing wild horses really are. They did not give up until they found him!

Thank you Drew and Shannon and thank you Kerry Hutchings and Nate Rasmussen (also drone operator’s) thank you MCSO deputy Clint, thank you SRPMIC Brian for looking, thank you Lower Salt River Kayakers, lower Salt River Paddlers, individual kayakers, paddlers, hikers, volunteers and non volunteers and visitors who sent us pics. Thank you Erin Yager for the first alert and pictures and thank you everyone for your prayers! There are soo many people to thank, but please know that we appreciate ALL of you!!

Let’s all have a WONDERfull evening!!