Lainey Search Update 2/23

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Lainey Search Update 2/23

Lainey Search Update 2/23

This is her band just a few minutes ago. While they were calling out yesterday, they appear to have stopped searching, however we will not.

We are very thankful for the huge response and thousands of prayers, thank you. Some say it is silly to care this much about one little Salt River wild horse, but we see it as just a small example of how much these very horses mean to the public. These wild horses are managed for and by the public, on lands that are held for the enjoyment of the public. YOU the public ARE their voice and that is important to remember, because this entire herd is in jeopardy of removals again.

Sadly there have been changes in Forest Service management since our agreements 8 years ago. After all these years of working our butts off in cooperation with the USFS, we know they will betray promises to the public and to us, very soon and we will call upon you when they do.

Be sure to like our page and prioritize it in your feed, to stay updated, and invite your friends to do the same, if you want to help Lainey and her entire herd! We will be grateful and keep you informed.

In fact the Forest Service is being very petty right now. While they have not ticketed people in months and never on Sundays, they are ticketing people parking at Goldfield recreation area who are helping with the search right now.  So searchers, please be sure to have your recreation passes displayed correctly in your window. The daypasses can be purchased at the machines.

We have still not found any trace of Lainey and we are trying to answer as many questions as possible.

Is it possible she was stolen? Yes it is possible as we have seen Salt River wild horses being lassoed etc.

Is it possible she is the victim of the mountain lion? Yes we have lost several foals each year to the mountain lion, and their population is growing. We dread to find her dead, but we would still rather know than not know.

Is it possible she just got lost? Possible but less likely since they’ll usually find eachother again.

Is it possible she drowned? It’s possible because the river is up again, but less likely since she has been a strong swimmer since day one.

Is it still possible she will be found alive? Absolutely, since over the years we have seen so many scenarios of lost foals, which we then reunited.

So we keep hope and we are very grateful for every comment, every like, every bit of help and every prayer.

Sincerely, SRWHMG.