Wild Horse society is amazing!
Here is a beautiful example of unbreakable bonds. At first sight it’s just two horses walking around together, but here is a little history we have on them (because we document everything about every horse and keep the records forever).
This is Soldier and his big brother Sergeant; they are full brothers out of mare Serena and stallion Sarge. In each picture here, you can see them at a different stage of their lives, first when Soldier was very small when he had a fractured hock. Next, with their mother Serena in the middle with her boys. And the latest picture by Christine Burkhart was just this week. They are both bachelor stallions now but have recently found each other again!
Between the age of 2 to 3 yrs old, most males get kicked out of their birthbands and each was kicked out of the band at a different time, so they roamed around on their own, but recently they found each other, and never left each others side after that!
It’s wonderful to see these brothers stick by each other and stand up for each other and even groom each other. In wild horse society, nothing is a coincidence! They recognize each other, they love each other, and they are loyal to each other. They are deeply sentient and it’s precisely why we love them so much.
Yet an additional amazing fact is that they were both raised by a stepstallion, because Sarge lost the band when Soldier was born. Any guesses who their loving stepdad was?