Alpine Wild horses
April 5th
Today is Arizona Gives Day. Please Arizona, help us save the Alpine Wild horses!
We do not have funds dedicated to this Herd as all of our resources are dedicated to the Salt River wild horses, however, in order to give it our all, we would need:
-A legal fund, our attorney costs $450 dollars per hour and if it comes to litigation, it would cost over $50.000
-A travel fund for our seasoned volunteers to help set up the local group and document all of the horses.
-A software fund for our app that logs and organizes the different bands which is used by the field team.
-A PZP program fund. The startup costs are $25,000 (dart guns, PZP, and certification of volunteers)
Arizona, please help us save the Alpine Wild horses. They are a living remnant of our rich Arizona history. We cannot do it without you. SRWHMG.