As The River Flows: Fun Uncles!
When you were younger, did you have a “fun” uncle? You know, that uncle who let you do things or maybe taught you stuff that Mom and Dad wouldn’t? At some point in our lives, we’ve all had that person. Well, are you aware that horses also have “fun” uncles?
“As the River Flows” on any given day, if you lower your camera and take in the natural surroundings, watching the horses closely, you’ll spot the “fun” uncles. It takes a special lead stallion or even a Lieutenant stallion to truly be considered a “fun” uncle.
They’re usually secure in the strength of their band, and especially for the lead stallion, in the commitment of his alpha mare. Without a strong alpha mare, a lead stallion wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving for a few minutes to go play.
One of the greatest “fun” uncles ever among the Salt River wild horses was none other than Shadowfax. While other stallions would chase the bachelors away, Shadowfax seemingly invited them over, played a few card games, and spent some time sparring. Sparring is like watching two boxers work on their jabs, with the occasional body punch thrown in for good measure. None of it is meant to do harm, but to teach. Well, Shadowfax taught, and taught well. He showed many bachelors how to fight. They would arrive either as a band or one by one. They’d seek Shadowfax out, and he always obliged. He would take a whole band of youngsters, one by one, and show them how to become lead stallions. He was the Yoda of the Salt River.
Unfortunately, his kindness towards the youngsters would one day lead to his downfall as a lead stallion. In June of 2020, Shadowfax lost his band—not to just any bachelor, but to his own nephew, a former sparring partner.
After losing his band, Shadowfax retired. He gradually lost weight and struggled to get to his feet after naps. We continued to monitor him and supplemented his feed in hopes that he would recover.
By the end of 2021, it was clear that Shadowfax needed help. After consulting with our veterinarians and our partner, the AZDA, the decision was made to rescue our “fun” uncle.
Since the rescue in 2021 and after a thorough exam, Shadowfax has gained weight and regained strength in his hips and legs.
He continues to be an uncle to one of our young rescues Ty.. Every once in a while they get to play. He is a favorite to many of our caretakers and Batman’s best friend…
Photos by SRWHMG volunteers Pam Buschbacher, Destini Rhone, Cris Becker