“As the river flows”
October 16th
“As the river flows”, we call it. The ups and downs of life on the river does resemble a reality soap opera sometimes. In this video you can see many aspects, from a little altercation between two stallions, to the peaceful interaction of two unrelated bands while enjoying a feast together.
Water level update: The lower Salt River just got a lot lower, it is now at 8 CFS. This happens every year by SRP and is called the riverswap from Stewart Mountain Dam to Bartlett dam. For a couple of days, that means an eelgrass feast for the horses and a great opportunity for photographers to see a lot of horses. But after this week, this great food supply for the horses will have died in the sun.
We hope that one day, SRP can make a provision for nature and aquatic life in their policies and leave 100 cfs in the lower Salt River to prevent this major die off of eelgrass and baby fish. The Verde River has a provision just like this, but the Salt River does not. We have done our best to make a case for it.