AZDA Post: 🌳Mesquite Beans and Salt River horses 🌳
July 23rd
Sharing an informative post from the official AZDA Salt River Herd page. As most of our supporters already know, our contract to manage the Salt River wild horses is under the AZDA. (Which stands for Arizona Department of Agriculture) We are so glad for their partnership and cooperation.
Like most things in nature, mesquite beans have both a positive and negative effect on wild horses. We are monitoring many horses with colic right now.
Mesquite trees are a natural staple along the Salt River. They provide shelter and food for an assortment of wildlife, as well as the Salt River herd. The beans of the Mesquite tree provide much needed nutrition during times of drought and lean forage, while the canopy of the branches provide a cool area for wildlife to relax.
🌱 As the horses pass the beans (picture 1) the manure provides a natural fertilizer for young seedlings to flourish (picture 2).
🌳 This amazing way of nature replenishing does not come without consequences, however. While Mesquite beans are a good source of carbohydrates, they do not pass as easily through the equine digestive system. When consumed in large quantities, the beans can cause discomfort in the gut, and in some cases, form a fatal impaction.
We are thankful for the public for informing us and SRWHMG when you notice a horse with colic. Every case is monitored, even when nature is cruel.
❤️ A special thank you again for your love and interest in the Salt River herd, and a very special thank you to SRWHMG for all their dedication.