Christmas Holly?
[Dec. 5th] One of our rescues, sweet Agave, yesterday evening, was acting weird, making grunting noises and opening and closing her mouth in a weird way. (Agave is a year and a half old) So we called out our mobile vet, doctor Susan Roach, and she discovered a thorny stick stuck in Agave’s throat!
She sedated Agave in her stall and tried to pull it out. However, because there is a possibility of tearing her esophagus with the thorns, the doctor did not pull any harder and advised a hospital visit.
We then loaded Agave into the trailer in the dark, and took her to AZ Equine where they could see exactly where the thorny stick was stuck. It was a nail-biting experience, but the stick was pulled out successfully!!
Agave behaved like a perfect angel through all of it and that is largely thanks to Joseph Mendoza, our horse trainer, who has spent a lot of time with our rescues in the past month, as well as James and Shelley of the Trust Technique, who also instilled a lot of trust in our rescues, as well as our lead trainer Simone Netherlands of course. This is why having your horse trained and as fearless as possible, is so very important.
Every horse anywhere, should be able to load into a trailer and stand still and behave for the vet, because, well you just never know what they might get themselves into!
We are posting this interesting video in case anyone has a similar situation. It’s a good learning experience to never ignore it, when your horse is acting funny, because they are probably trying to tell you something.
Thanks to this eventful evening, today we are cutting down all of the trees and bushes in our fields, it’s a shame, but bye bye bushes! That was an expensive $1400 dollar stick! (For the two different vets)
Thank you to our volunteers who diligently watch over our rescues, and are ready to do what it takes at a moment’s notice. Thank you to the public who is always supporting.
Thank you Joseph Mendoza (Mendoza Horsemanship-mobile services)!
Thank you Dr Susan D Roach! Thank you AZ Equine!
Agave is happily running around today, like nothing ever happened! Thanks for watching just another episode of “As the river flows!”