Crazy auction! Uno and his mares get their ticket to paradise!
June 26
We bid all horses up to over kill price, and even after that, someone kept outbidding us on ALL horses!
This is why we need all good homes to contact us because we do not want to bid against good homes at all, but we will bid up all horses to over kill prices. (That means how much they are worth per pound)
So one lovely lady contacted us and we let two mare and foal pairs who are from Patron’s band go to her and her husband. They were originally going with Patron to the sanctuary, but now they are going to a very good home on 40 acres, and we are going to give them Patron, whom we already have, and he will be reunited with his original mares and his own babies! We will reimburse them on the cost of half their bail and of gelding Patron for them, because that is a great outcome for this beautiful family band!
We DID keep up the bidding on Uno and his mares and we won them finally in overtime, but at very high prices! We will post more screenshots on Alpine Wild Horse Advocates, and we will keep it to just Uno’s screenshot on this page. There are 2 mare foal pairs and yearling colts that we dont know who they are going to, but they went for very high prices and we would love to know who wanted them that badly, but we figure if they wanted them at those prices, they will take good care of them.
So Uno and his mares got their ticket to Paradise! Now they just need to get their coggins and health certificates and they will be on their way!
This is all thanks to YOU our absolutely amazing supporters! And their beautiful and forever destination: #thewildhorserefuge
THANK YOU everyone!