Don’t fall for misinformation about PZP fertility control for wild horses.
September 22nd
On this first day of fall, we want to make sure that people don’t “fall” for some of the misinformation about PZP fertility control for wild horses. We chose to use it, because it is the safest form of birth control for wild horses, and their natural behavior is of most importance to us.
We are against most other forms of birth control for wild horses such as ovariectomies, geldings or chemical vasectomies, because
A. It influences their hormones and therefore alters their wild behavior
B. is not reversible.
PZP has over 30 years of research behind it and we are having amazing results with our program. (One foal for 2022, versus 109 foals in 2019) We also can report that we have seen literally no negative side effects, except for an abscess here and there, which always resolve quickly. (About 4 % of all dartings have developed an abscess) All bands are holding their hierarchy just like previous years and mares are just as loyal to their stallions and vice versa. Battling occurs with bachelor stallions and wild behavior continues just like it was in 20 previous recorded years.
What’s also very important is that it is safe for pregnant mares, and nursing foals, which we proved with a healthy 2019 foal crop, of which all mothers had been treated prior to giving birth.
Most importantly, our PZP program is proving the point that we’ve been making for decades: There are better ways of managing wild horses and wild horse roundups should be obsolete. The alternative for the Salt River wild horses was removal, likewise herds that are not managed, have been growing and are facing needless cruel never ending cycles of removals.
PZP is THE responsible alternative to removals, especially when there is only a limited habitat like at the Salt River.
Since 2018, we have prevented the birth of more than 300 Salt River wild horses, who otherwise would have faced a terrible fate. We could not be prouder that our program is seeing a 99% efficacy. At this time the herd population is right around 400 Salt River wild horses.
It is our goal for every Salt River wild horse born in the wild, to live it’s whole life peacefully in the wild. It is also our goal to keep the herd viable and sustainable so that they can be enjoyed and loved by the public for ever and ever.
The misinformation about PZP includes made up ridiculous facts like that it is a pesticide and that it causes still births etc. Don’t fall for it. We hope that with our real life documentation and our thousands of eye witnesses to a very happy and healthy Salt River herd, it will squash all misinformation out there.
Thank you for your support.