Happy birthday, Destini!

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Happy birthday, Destini!

Happy birthday, Destini!

Celebrating the remarkable Destini, our managing director, on her birthday! Here she is with her own mustang, an Alpine wild horse! (And some of her favorite Salt River wild horses Photoshopped in)

Destini has been with SRWHMG since 2015 and her selfless dedication has helped make a huge difference since then. She is a certified darter, and keeps up with entering all the pzp data and creating the monthly mare spreadsheets for the darting team. She is also tireless in helping to manage our social media and our volunteer programs and merchandising too!

Destini has had a very tragic year with many deaths in her family and we want her to know that we love her and are here for her in difficult times.

Thank you for making a difference in so many lives Destini, Happy Birthday from your entire SRWHMG family!