Happy Rescue/Birthday, Sweet Gideon!!

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Happy Rescue/Birthday, Sweet Gideon!!

Happy Rescue/Birthday, Sweet Gideon!!

Gideon’s incredible journey is a testament to the transformative power of love from incredible volunteers, a dedicated leader, and a hole community standing behind us.

We almost forgot to post about his B-day/Rescue day, because of the Cleburne Auction Ordeal, but check out how tiny Gideon was! He is the smallest Salt River horse ever recorded at 33 pounds. (half the size of a normal Salt River foal) His resilience and determination inspire us all. What an incredible save and a true sweetheart of a soul.

This little guy was found all alone under a tree as a brand newborn, he could not get up, was dehydrated and overheated, but he hung on until we got to the vet. He received plasma and hydration after which he started feeling better. He is only 33 pounds which is half of the size of a normal newborn foal. He is the smallest Salt River wild horse ever found! We want to thank you all so much for the interest in naming him, all of his new sponsors helped decide on his name in a vote, it was overwhelmingly…GIDEON, which means little warrior. He is doing fantastic and is steadily growing from his mere 33 pounds to a whole 80 pounds now! He is needing around the clock care by our volunteers as he needs nutrition every 2 hours. We want to thank the caller who called our hotline, as Gideon would have would not have survived another hour in the heat. As a sponsor you will receive alerts and updates on him! If you want to receive our general alerts and updates click here.

Even while we continue to try to save them all, we still need funds to care for the ones we already have, or our financial situation will go very awry.

You can become one of Gideon’s monthly sponsor, so that he can always stay with us and his best bud, Snow!

Happy Rescue/Birthday, sweet Gideon!!