Happy tears! Martin’s band is HOME!

Home » Happy tears! Martin’s band is HOME!
Happy tears! Martin’s band is HOME!

Happy tears! Martin’s band is HOME!

Its been such a nightmare journey, but life is about to get good again for them! This is Martin’s band! We want to thank each and every one of you who helped to make this happen for them. We truly don’t see any wild horses left in the Alpine area, but fingers crossed that they really are the last ones! Thank you donors and thank you Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary and P.A.W 4 The Foundation !!

Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary

The LAST family band of Alpine Wild Horses is HOME ❤️ Let’s welcome them together 🙏🏻

We want to say a HUGE thank you to Sweetbeau Horses, a wonderful program doing work saving mustangs from BLM holding and giving them the BEST training & chance at domestic life, for saving the majority of this group and giving them their FREEDOM back!!

Thank you so much to Salt River Wild Horse Management Group and all of their incredible supporters- for ALWAYS making sure the plight of the Alpines is seen and cared about.

And, thank you to Charlotte at P.A.W 4 The Foundation for being boots-on-the-ground at the Cleburne auction until late late last night making this all possible!
We’d also like to thank all of the donors that sent even $1 or $5 towards the other 3 horses in this rescue, as it all adds up to make MIRACLES!! This community of horse loving people who are so kind and come together for these horses are one of the most amazing parts of this work that I thank God for each and every day ❤️ Without you- this incredible work wouldn’t be possible, so from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU 🙏🏻

With this- we close a chapter on Alpines being rounded up, separated, auctioned off, and dishonored. Now they get to enjoy the rest of their lives with dignity and respect, and most importantly- their freedom.
