Here is the adorable video we promised
June 22th
Here is the adorable video we promised of Grandma Celeste, yearling mother Celise and Ceasar when he was brand new. We made a little psa with it which we hope you will share, so that people from everywhere can understand how sentient and loving wild horses are. They deserve far better than the treatment they so often get from the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. (BLM).
Luckily in our neck of the woods, we have agreements with the Tonto National Forest and a contract with the AZDA that makes it possible for us to manage these wild horses humanely through birth control. It is because of these agreements that a roundup and removal was prevented, and it is why they get to stay wild for all of the public to enjoy. We believe that solutions like this should be possible for all wild horses everywhere.
This is why we appreciate your support so much, because wild horses deserve better.
Join us in our important mission.
Video by SRWHMG Rick Blandford, editing by Simone Netherlands.
### The Salt River Wild Horse Management Group (#SRWHMG) is an accredited non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the protection and humane management of the Salt River wild horses under contract and partnership with the Arizona Department of Agriculture (AZDA).
SRWHMG does not charge the government for this management and does not receive any government grants. We run 100% on donations from the public who loves these horses. We proudly manage wild horses humanely for the public and by the public. To learn more or to join us in this important cause please go to WWW.SRWHMG.ORG
Or donate through our Donate button on our page which also gets to SRWHMG directly.
Thank you!