Here we go again…

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Here we go again…

Here we go again…

Here we go again, it’s killing us, it’s killing our volunteers, our supporters, our community, the town of Alpine, and thousands of Arizonans and Americans from everywhere.

Killing these beloved historic wild horses is like killing our American spirit!We recognize them all, they are straight out of their beautiful high mountain forest around the Coronado trail, where they were originally left by Fransisco Vasquez de Coronado around 1640. They were not harming anyone in that million acre forest and they were not costing anyone a dime. Now they are overwhelming the entire rescue community.

(We are not posting their identities this time, since it seems that the popular ones get bid up the most.)

The notice of this public auction was again only posted, buried deep in the Apache Sitgreaves website 4 days ago. Not advertised or announced anywhere else, including the contractors website Rail Lazy H, not one mention. No specific sales notice or impound notice posted, except a very broad yearly one.

So there is again, not enough time to fundraise or find good homes. We are hoping some of the very large sanctuaries who don’t have any Alpines yet, want to help. Does anyone have
any solutions left to offer?

Right now we only know of one dapper lady who is doing her best to fundraise, but people are very quick to criticize her, because she is pretty new at it. But then again, all big sanctuaries started small right? She is working hard to prove herself and has 22 Alpines recovering from the crud they picked up at this Cleburne auction last time.

P.A.W 4 The Foundation

Here they are, awaiting their unknown fate. After 374, we just don’t know anymore?