Innocent until proven guilty.
May 14th
Do you see all of the flood damage behind Little Chief, the washed away tree saplings, the otter babies gone, and all the debris deposited? Well, we know one thing, no matter the wild accusations by the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) lawsuit, Little Chief here, (lieutenant of Lindor’s band), had nothing to do with it. And neither did any other horse, of course.
The lower Salt River is an unnatural river managed by SRP according to demand for water and energy with NO clause for the environment. This means a trickle of 8 CFS in the winter and floods as high as 20,000 CFS when the lakes are full.
Just because the Center for Biological Diversity claims there are no tree saplings because the horses ate them, and the riparian area is being ruined by them, will you believe it? We hope not. If you are in the area a lot, please post all of the environmental damage that is caused by factors other than the horses, as there is plenty of it.
Of course every living animal has both a negative and a positive effect on their environment, including the horses and including us humans. CBD knows that.
We think this lawsuit is baseless, (no imperial science) unnecessary (no urgency because the herd is already in decline) asks for unreasonable relief (halt of important humane management programs) and is without merit (the Forest Service does not need to do NEPA on every Intergovernmental Agreement they make).
So what can you do while we prepare for a court case? It’s twofold, 1. support us as much as you can in the huge expense of the best NEPA attorney in the country.
For Mother’s Day, for example, if you have a mom who has everything already, who loves the horses, did you know you can donate in her honor on our website, and even buy cute horsey earrings, bracelets and necklaces? www.SRWHMG.org
Second it’s important that you let CBD know how you feel. There are many places where you can do that like Google, yelp, all the social media’s, you name it.
Some of their own longstanding board members have already quit over this, which shows you how controversial it is even within their own organization.
Isn’t it ironic that their motto is “fight like the wild depends on it”, because we certainly will. Wild horses are a big part of the wild as well as a part of biodiversity.
#shameoncbd #istandwithwildhorses #saltriverhabitat #saltriverhorses #srwhmg #saltriverwildhorses