It was so sad, we saw tiny little sprouting grasses come up a few weeks ago
April 10th
It was so sad, we saw tiny little sprouting grasses come up a few weeks ago, -we were hopeful-, but then we saw them wither away and die again. So, sadly, there is still no forage on the ground for the Salt River wild horses. This means that the need to supplement feed the Salt River wild horses continues in order to prevent starvation and/or removal of skinny horses.
It is a huge strain on our funds and our manpower, but with your support we accomplish the almost impossible; the horses are maintaining their body condition.
We feed certified weed free alfalfa because it is the only feed allowed, plus it is a good base of protein in combination with the other fibrous things they eat in the forest. (They still eat dry bushes, mesquite and hopefully soon some river-eelgrass)
We distribute 45 bales of alfalfa once per day at 4 different feed stations, located in different quadrants of the Tonto National Forest. The horses themselves pick which feed station they prefer. We ask people to please respect the horses and walk around the feed stations and not right through, so that the horses can eat in peace, and maintain 50 ft from the horses at all times.
The care and humane management of the Salt River wild horses is possible through partnership with the AZDA and cooperation by the Forest Service and donations from people like you, who love them. To learn more visit our website www.srwhmg.org For the public and by the public, SRWHMG.
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