Just because he is a Salt River “wild” bull, we’ve come to care about him.
March 10th
He is not a prize winner, he is not a valuable breeding bull, and his meat price is only a dollar a pound, yet in a 3 minute bidding war, this bull was bid up to $7000 dollars, just because he is a Salt River “wild” bull, a bull we’ve come to care about.
We did not know if it was a lady or a kill-buyer at the time of the bidding so we kept up the bidding, because you, our supporters, were so amazing in giving what you could, to save his life. But we would have sold him to any good home for just a dollar, this was just about saving his life. Horse advocates did not need to bid against us.
However Prime Rib (his name will be changed) is safe. Safe because our supporters are amazing. You donated enough to make it possible. Yes, we realize it is a ridiculous amount, and unfortunately we now cannot buy the semi-load for the Salt River wild horses that you also donated for, but we have found him a wonderful sanctuary and we will also pay for his transport there as well as the tests he needs. He unfortunately needs a trick test before he can leave the auction site, we just learned that he has to stay there for up to 10 days which will also cost us fees each day.
Because we don’t want any more interference by so called horse advocates, we will not be disclosing where he will go, until he actually arrives there. It is a wonderful sanctuary where he will have a large arena, they already have bulls and horses and all kinds of other lucky animals who are getting a wonderful retirement. We want to thank all of our amazing supporters for donating, for him, and for the horses.
Mr moneybags, is not too happy in this pen right now, but he will soon get his happy ending, all because he is loved by real wild horse advocates, you, our supporters. We love you all and we will keep you informed.
And just in case, we will add a donation link in the comments, just because we still have to buy that next semi-load of hay for the Salt River wild horses. (Also pray for rain!)
Thank you so much for spreading love and compassion.Sincerely, SRWHMG.