Killian was born on 1.21.2019, so today is his 4th Birthday!
January 21st
SRWHMG named the first born foal of 2019 after AZDA director Mark Killian, for his love of horses, and his great partnership in the humane management of the Salt River wild horses.
Killian was born on 1.21.2019, so today is his 4th Birthday!
As you know, we keep track of every horse from the day they are born and Killian was last seen yesterday at the riverbanks and is doing great. He is now a bachelor and like bachelors do, he has best friends he roams with, Sky and Kayde.
Killian was born in Halftail’s band, a popular lead stallion who has since passed away. However, Killian was sired by Gizmo, which Halftail did not mind, because Halftail was the sire of Killian’s mother Rani, and lead stallions do not breed with their own offspring.
The breeding of Gizmo and Rani was actually witnessed and noted, and 11 months later there was Killian! (Rani was not yet treated with PZP at the time.)
The cooperation and partnership between the State, the Forest Service and our Non Profit organization is a one if it’s kind, and the reason that the Salt River wild horses are still here today.
SRWHMG handles any and all aspects of humane management and the population of the herd has been stabilized through humane fertility control PZP.
With just one surviving foal in the entire herd, in 2022, the success of our PZP program is now undeniable. We hope it will set a precedent for the humane management of all wild horses everywhere, because the alternative is expensive and endless cycles of roundups, which are cruel and unsustainable.
No Salt River wild horse has ever been removed to date, except if it needed rescue.
With the change of administration we do not know yet if Director Killian will get to stay head of the department, but it is our hope that he does.
Please Help us thank director Killian on the AZDA page for all he does! And happy Birthday horse Killian!
Sincerely SRWHMG.
P.S any partisan or political or negative comments will be deleted. SRWHMG is a bipartisan organization. Thank you.
#AZDA #SRWHMG #Saltriverhorses #Saltriverwildhorses