New necklace: Become a valued monthly sponsor and receive your very own Heartbeat Necklace!
Become a valued monthly sponsor and receive your very own Heartbeat Necklace today! This stylish piece of custom jewelry nested in a Valentijns bag, will not only showcase your love for wild horses, but it will also serve as a constant reminder of you making a difference for wild horses, one beat at a time, one horse at a time.
We never planned on being “mass bailers” and we don’t consider that our business, but we have worked and networked extremely hard to facilitate and find 334 Alpine wild horses good homes. SRWHMG never raised more than $500 per horse, but on average we spent $700 per horse for transport, quarentine, feed, geldings, holding them at our own facilities as well as others, and coggins and health certificates, and long transports to their final destinations. We are so grateful to everyone who rescued an Alpine wild horse.
We have vetted everyone who offered good homes as much as humanly possible. We have supported rescues and individuals with paneling for round-pens and fencing acreage, and we have done geldings with our own veterinarians and darters and even suppprted with hay in certain circumstances.
We have shared fundraisers for others and pooled funds with other orgs as well. We’ve been as fair as possible with the monies that were raised and we have stuck to every agreement and promise.
We’ve identified 98% of the removed unfortunate Alpines which took thousands of hours of data collecting, but it was worth it. We have put up with abuse from the roundup contractor and abuse from some haters who think $500 per horse is a lot and wonder where the money went? We’d invite them to try and do what we’ve accomplished on $500 per horse.
It has been total communication overload and utter logistical chaos, but 334 unjustly removed Alpine wild horses have a good home, because of SRWHMG and the awareness we raised for this little known and cruelly treated wild horse herd.
18 of them could not find a good home in time, and they would have ended up badly. So without further ado they now have a home with us at SRWHMG. None of them have any sponsors yet, because we were simply too busy supporting other rescues and sanctuaries. Everything just happened so fast and we are so thankful for everyone who rescued an Alpine wild horse. Thank you for making a difference in their lives!!
But now it’s time for them to find sponsors or otherwise we cannot keep them. We have Apache’s band (in the snow below) we have Buck’s band including the orphan, we have Thalia and Nessa and Ty, and the latest ones are Roxy and Jahmez, because they were too weak to travel and needed medical care. They now depend on us and we depend on you.
So because there is still this evening left of Valentijns day and because we saved them without knowing they have sponsors, we made these cute valentijns bags and necklaces.
If you become a new sponsor of 10 per month minimum for an Alpine or a Salt River Rescue you will automatically receive this meaningful necklace when you add your address.
All easy ways to do that are in the comments, but through our website is the easiest!
THANK YOU is an understatement! SRWHMG.