Our SRWHMG Property Got Shot At!
This is not what we want to be in the news for! We are still in disbelief. Our SRWHMG property got shot at.
Yesterday, right after feeding the rescued wild horses their dinner, volunteers Tracey, Ryan and Bren heard gunshots.
They saw the truck on the Highway that was driving slowly, bam bam bam bam bam, firing 5 to 6 rounds towards the barn, the horses and even the kids.
Tracey yelled “duck, run!” Then right after, Bren and Ryan jumped in their car and went after the truck, while Tracey checked on the horses.
They caught up to the truck, that had turned into an off road area, and were able to take pictures of the license plate with the good zoom camera they normally use to take pictures of wild horses.
Because of these pictures, MCSO and DPS were able to apprehend the criminals. They matched the suspects guns to the casings found along the hwy. The suspects are currently in custody.
There is a bullet hole in our storage container, when you look at the trajectory of that bullet, we consider ourselves so blessed and lucky that it did not hit one of the kids, the volunteers or the horses.
The volunteers and the horses were clearly visible from the highway, we just cannot comprehend why anyone would do this,.. and yet that is what happened.
We want to thank MSCO and DPS for their quick action and we are definitely pressing charges.