People Working Together
Sometimes it takes a village, sometimes it takes a whole State, sometimes it takes a community, but all times it takes people working together.
We want to thank caller Tony Thompson for immediately knowing to call our hotline when seeing this stray horse! (*We confirmed there were two different calls/alerts in regards to him)
Thank you to all of our volunteers that do Bush hwy patrol, and in particular volunteer Jake who kept him there and gave him water. Thank you volunteers Karen and Suzanne and thank you volunteers Shannon Lorrance and Mike McFadden for coming to the rescue and picking this boy up and giving him a temporary place to stay at AZtrailriding.com!
He will stay there until we can work out solutions with our Agriculture Department on what to do next. (Please do not worry, like we said earlier, our Arizona Ag Department is fantastic.)
If this seems deja vu, it is because this paint looks a LOT like Cochise, whom we bought back at the auction and now lives at our facility in Prescott!
As always, we will keep you informed. Thank you for your support. Please click share and rate us 5 stars on fb if you like our work!