Please Help us help more of them! 🐴🐴🐴
November 7th
This beautiful Alpine lead stallion, Apache, was taken out of his historic home, the Apache Forest. He was depressed when he came to SRWHMG rescue last month, because he lost his entire family, but with loving care and a girlfriend, he is making progress, and today for the first time, he is showing real trust. He will soon be released onto 6 acres where he can run again!
We want to rescue and place many more Alpine wild horses in good homes, and they are in an online auction right at this very moment, -with an unknown fate-, but we need help!! We currently already give sanctuary to 40 wild horses at two facilities and we cannot help more unless you help us. We need a lot of hay to feed this many mouths. The semi-load of hay we need, currently costs $12,500 !!!
Can you help us raise it? We do not have a matching donor, which means that we need all of our supporters to pitch in, because the power of accumulation can get it done, as long as everyone really does something, even a little bit.
With your help, SRWHMG and AWHA can continue to do the impossible for both the Salt River wild horses and the Alpine wild horses!!
Last fundraiser we had trouble with the donate button not showing, but let’s hope that’s resolved because horses lives depend on it! You can donate through Facebook, through our website, or through PayPal: SaltRiverHerd@respect4horses.com
Thank you for helping us, help more.
Sincerely, SRWHMG.