Please say hi and welcome our new Salt River Horse Liaison, Ken!!
As most of our followers already know, we manage the Salt River Wild horses humanely under contract with the Arizona Department of Agriculture (AZDA) and cooperation with the Tonto National Forest. The Salt River horse Act that was passed in 2016 and signed in 2017, is what made this novel cooperation and humane wild horse management possible.
Since then, we have proven that humane wild horse management works, by reducing the horse population humanely, without ever removing one horse, and without ever charging the government one dime.
When the Act was passed, hiring a Salt River horse liaison to manage everything, was part of the deal, but when Makenzie moved on up in her law enforcement career, we did not have a Liaison for a while, so we communicated with Captain Lincoln at the AZDA. (who is awesome btw)
However, today, we can finally introduce our new Salt River Horse Liaison: Ken!
Ken has a 21 year law enforcement career behind him, so he is well equipped to deal with anything and everything that happens out here. (he is probably quite over qualified, but please don’t tell him, lol).
The Ag Liaison’s job is:
- To keep an eye on everything related to the Salt River horses in the forest
- To streamline communications between ourselves, the AZDA and the Tonto National Forest and
- To educate and protect the safety of the public by enforcing the Salt River horse Act.
Ken is familiarizing himself and getting the lay of the land this week, so please welcome Ken! (and also 🙏 please give him some time before bombarding him with questions.)
The AZDA also has their own Facebook page : AZDA Salt River Horse Herd We will post his number later once he is settled in!
Thank you and Good luck Ken!