Please support the Salt River River wild horses through thick and through thin!
July 19th @ 8PM
Our non-profit is committed to help the Salt River wild horses through hard times, come rain or come shine. It is time for the supplemental
feed program again, due to no rain at the Salt River.
As the public, we said: “please let them stay, and we will take care of them.” That commitment is the reason they are still roaming wild and free along the Salt River River today. The horses depend on us and we depend on you.
So if you love them, if you photograph them, if you enjoy them, and if you want to keep them free, please see it as a small price to pay for one or two bales of hay for them. Our hard working volunteers will make sure that it gets to every hungry horse!
Once this program starts, we cannot just only feed the skinniest horses, it doesn’t work that way, because the stronger horses will steal it. So we have to feed either all, or none. Not all Salt River wild horses are skinny, but all are losing weight.
Our feed program goes through one semi-load of certified weed-free alfalfa every month. That is an extra expense of $6,800 per month, or an average of 15 dollars per bale. (Certified weed-free is more expensive than regular alfalfa) That feeds all Salt River wild horses 4 times per week. We cannot just end the program, if we run out of money. Covid19 has hit our organization hard with donation cancellations and we are still behind.
That is why we really need your help spreading this message to help YOUR local treasures.
Currently almost 1% of people on our Facebook page and our website have donated, or are sponsoring a Salt river wild horse. Those people are sustaining the humane management of the Salt River wild horses. If we could increase this to 10% of people, even at just a few dollars per month, we would be able to afford to supplement feed whenever we need to, without a problem! But Facebook does not let us reach all of those people in order to ask! So we need your help!
We ask simply, genuinely and kindly, for your help to raise the money in order to bridge the gap between resources. Not just to give but to help spread the message!
It does not take much per person as long as everyone does it. Please just give a few dollars or buy a bale at $15! Then please think of someone you know who might be able to help and ask them to do the same!
Here’s how you can buy a bale or two of hay for the Salt River River wild horses and if you can commit to monthly that will help even more🐴:
- Donate directly through our website, so that you will receive a beautiful thank you card with a picture.
- Donate through Paypal to: SaltRiverHerd@respect4horses.com
- Participate in our raffle where you can win $500 dollars in restaurant gift cards! (That’s donating with a chance to win!): https://rafflecreator.com/pages/36579/srwhmg-restaurant-raffle-2020
- Donate to one of our Facebook fundraisers. (Facebook does not let us thank you individually through this method, but we see your generosity!)
- Create your own Facebook fundraiser for this program and have your friends help you raise more!
- You can also send a check to:
4610 n. 68th str. #477,
Scottsdale AZ 86251 - Also as always, please ask your friends, family and neighbors to sign up for:
- Frys rewards so that we get a percentage of your purchases!: https://www.frysfood.com/o/store-services/community-rewards
- Amazon smile so that we get a percentage of your orders!: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/46-5280587
LITERALLY EVERY DOLLAR HELPS. Please help spread the word! We are an accredited 501(c)3 and your donation is tax deductible.
Every dollar of this Facebook fundraiser goes directly towards the hay.
💸Can we count on YOU, so that the horses can count on US?
Gratefully, SRWHMG.