Rest in Peace, dear Howie
We are so sad about losing one of our amazing volunteers this week, to cancer. Howard (Howie) McMahon and Linda McMahon have been dedicated volunteers at our Prescott facility for the past 7 years. Howie had lots of horse knowledge and he loved grooming the Salt River boys who live in Prescott: Diamond, Pacman, Rosco, Gideon and Snow. He also was very attached to Agave, who he helped raise. The day he went into Hospice, he came to say goodbye to Agave, who lives at our Facility along the Beeline. She recognized him and it was very emotional. We want to thank Howie for making a difference in the lives of our rescues and we hope he is grooming the Salt River wild horses now, who have crossed the rainbow bridge.
We want to wish Linda lots of strength and hugs and we thank her for asking for donations in his honor. Rest in Peace dear Howie, you will be missed by your 4 legged and 2 legged friends.