Ring Auction Results – Help us get resources to save more Alpine wild horses!
June 24
The winning bid of this beautiful ring is Linda Bradley at $1000! Congratulations Linda! And thank you for saving 2 Alpine wild horses with this! Thank you to everyone who was bidding, we will do some more auctions like this and we will take in any donations of valuable items that we can auction.
Thank you, supporters!
We are strapped for resources to save more Alpine wild horses! Therefore we are auctioning off this one of a kind beautiful 14k gold and silver buckle ring, donated by D-Paul Jewelers! It has miniature diamonds, it is size 8 and it has a value of over $1200- actually over $2000, we were just told! This is an amazing deal for some lucky lady!
The bidding will happen below this post and we will end the bidding at the same time the auction ends, 10 am on Monday morning. It would be nice if we could save 3 horses with this ring, but we will start the bidding with one horse, $500.
Will anyone bid $500?
Once you place your bid in the comments, please don’t change it, but place a new comment for your next bid. Please do not place a comment unless u are bidding, but please do share this post wherever you can to help!! Let the bidding begin!