RIP Cheyenne
You did good Mamma, good girl, rest peacefully now.
We are so very sorry to inform you, our amazing supporters, that we had to lay Cheyenne to rest.
We were working hard for a different outcome, but the angels wouldn’t have it.
Background: On July 7th, our field team, with the help of Jacquelynn (and Sonora) Hughes, rescued this beautiful pair from Butcher Jones. Cheyenne had torn her tendon in her right front fetlock, and was being fought over by many stallions,.. which we knew would not end well for either one of them. (See their amazing rescue story from July 7th)
We made them a comfortable space at our rescue facility and fought the battle with Cheyenne’s injury for over a month, together with Shelley and James, our SRWHMG caretakers team, and the support and prayers from all of you.
While we knew it was a long shot and a definate challenge of patience, it was worth giving her a chance, because Nakota, at just 8 days old needed her mom.
James and Shelley worked their magic using the trust technic and within 24 hours, Cheyenne was able to have our veterinarian take x-rays of her badly injured leg. After antibiotics, she beat the infection and was putting pressure on her hoof again. It was starting to look like another success story and it felt good to see both of them feel safe and happy together.
That’s why after this journey, it was shocking to find that she had somehow retorn the tendon this morning, ..this time completely. We quickly explored every option with our veteranarians. We knew you would all pitch in and we could raise the money for surgery if we had to,.. but sometimes even all the money in the world, can’t buy the outcomes that we want. We had to accept that Cheyenne was telling us, that we had tried enough.
This afternoon we laid Cheyenne to rest; her SRWHMG caretakers and 6 week old Nakota surrounded her as she took her last breath.
Cheyenne was one of those amazing mothers. Her love and devotion to Nakota, you could see it in every move she made, you could hear it in every soft nicker. We are happy that Nakota had her mothers love and nutrition for an additional month. We can take it from here now Cheyenne, Nakota is going to be ok. Run forever free.
Cheyenne’s stats:
Born: April of 2015.
Location: desert behind Butcher Jones. Sire: Iriquois, Dam: Minnie. Full sister to Rosco. No previous injuries.
Sincere thank you’s: To James and Shelley, without your dedication, we would have had to give up much earlier on. To our Ag liaison Jacquelynn Hughes, thank you for going above and beyond. To Sonora, thank you for playing an important part too. To Cheyenne’s closest SRWHMG caretakers, we are sorry for your pain, we thank you for your devotion. To our supporters, thank you for being there right along with us. Picture by SRWHMG Jason Merrill.