Saving Alpine horses while continuing to manage Salt River!
December 11th
Almost this entire year of 2022 we have been very occupied with trying to save as many Alpine wild horses as possible, but we want you to know that we would never neglect any of our important programs and duties for the Salt River wild horses, and they are doing amazing. Our natural deathrate is way down, our natural birthrate is 99% down, and the health of the herd is incredibly.
This natural peace that reigns over the Salt River, is something especially beautiful and rare. Please don’t ever take for granted that they are still wild and free and that you can come enjoy them at any time.
It takes a lot of behind the scenes work, which we do not publicize or take credit for. It takes a hundred volunteers in different positions who also don’t get a lot of credit for the hard work they do. It takes dedication and vigilance and coordination and communication with many different entities.
It also takes a thick hide and ignoring the meanies and keyboard critics and the wild horse enemies. It also takes appreciation and an organized system of thank you’s to our loyal suporters. It takes a merchandising program for sustainability, and a social media presence to keep you informed. It takes considerable fundraising efforts, and we actually hate asking for money!
To raise enough in order to keep our programs going during this expensive time is our biggest challenge, because we also want to leave no Alpine wild horse lost to a terrible fate. We cannot do it without you our supporters, and we cannot do it without our amazing partnership with the Arizona Department of Agriculture (AZDA) and MCSO (Maricopa County Sherrifs Office.)
Did you know that it happens to be the 7th year anniversary of the rescindment (cancelation) of the impound notice for the Salt River wild horses? Worthy of a quick moment to imagine what the Salt River would be without Salt River wild horses.
Please keep supporting us as much as you can (every dollar, every like, every share, and every comment, is a voice for the horses)
Do it, so that together we can spread humane management to all corners of the earth for all wild horses everywhere. It is the only path into the future.
Managing wild horses for the public and by the public. SRWHMG.
Photo by SRWHMG volunteer Rick Blandford.