Australia! Shoot them with DARTS, not BULLETS!
Can anyone imagine any of our cherished wild horses being gunned down, shot and killed from helicopters? What panic and suffering will ensue among these absolutely kind and loving animals. THIS is what our Australian friends are going through, and we want to help them.
The Barmah Brumbie Preservation Group, Murray Willaton, came all the way to America to learn about PZP and to dart with us. They then took their knowledge home to propose to their Australian Government… to no avail. The Barmah and Bogong brumbies, the ones who recently survived the brush fires, will not survive the Victorian Labor Government and Parks Victoria, who are planning to kill them all.
These people love their brumbies the way we love our Salts. We ask all of our supporters to please help them and spread this message! Can you help write to their government? Tell them there are better ways! Our birth control program is working even beyond our own wildest dreams. We went through the entire month of April, the busiest foaling month, without one birth! PZP works. Adoption works too. Horrific cruelty does not work, not for anyone. It will be a black eye on Australia.
Please write, like their lives depend on it. Write to the following email addresses and remember, even while it may be hard, polite emails work the best. Just a few paragraphs and then you copy all of these below email addresses:
Prime Minister Scott Morrison: cookelectorate@aph.gov.au OR www.pm.gov.au
Federal Agriculture Mininster David Littleproud: minister.littleproud@awe.gov.au
Premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews (brought in the plan to slaughter the wild horses): daniel.andrews@parliament.vic.gov.au
Victorian of Environment Minister Lilly D’Ambrosio (overseeing the slaughter plan): lilly.d’ambrosio@parliament.vic.gov.au
Victorian Members of Parliament:
- suzanna.sheed@parliament.vic.gov.au
- wendy.lovell@parliament.vic.gov.au
- jeff.bourman@parliament.vic.gov.au
Please also sign the petition, lets get them 300,000 signatures! (Do not donate at the end of the petition because that goes to change.org, not to them.) Click here for petition: http://chng.it/WqBk6sCjnP
There’s no time to lose, help them stampede the Australian government,
Thank you, SRWHMG.