So… this is what happens when we let them go. (and some people keep pushing for us to let them all go)
This is so sad. We found the Palomino stallion named Sundance, who we let go in the Cleburne auction when the bid reached $1600. So this is what happens when we let them go! (And some people keep pushing for us to let them all go!)
After this Alpine stallion went through the continuous stress of capture, separation, the chutes and auction, he did not even get one day to settle, because the next day he was forcibly tied down, saddled and apparently ridden.
The purpose of this hurried expedited “training” is to sell him as a “ranch horse” as quickly as possible. While normally we are all for training of wild horses and do it ourselves all the time, we cannot agree with this.
This is not the way to get a horse to like people; this is breaking a horse the old way, which just floods their senses and breaks their spirit. It forces them into subservient behavior, but they will never have real trust in people and they can become very dangerous. When they do, they usually end up in the slaughter pipeline again.
We want so much to give this deserving boy a wild and free life back, with even a little band of his own, but we need $6000 minimum now to make that possible! It is for his $2500 purchase price (which is already agreed to) , his immediate gelding and vetcare ($1000) and his feed and sanctuary forever. (This is discounted to $2500!!)
Can anyone 🙏 please share and help us make things right again for Palomino boy? He needs this!
Click here, or other ways to donate:
Zelle: 6023963978
PayPal: SaltRiverHerd@respect4horses.com
Venmo : Srwhmg.cfo@gmail.com
Or mail:
PO Box 64264,
Phoenix, AZ,85082