Sponsor Igraine

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sponsor igraine srwhmg

May 20th, 2018 was a wild and crazy night for SRWHMG rescuing 2 drowning Salt River wild horses from the canal! Even though they are good swimmers, they were drowning from exhaustion in 11ft deep water. Thanks, to SRP and MCSO for alerting us, our vet from AZ Equine for coming out in the middle of the night, and the firefighters from stations 206 and 859 for giving it their all and pulling them out! They hand pulled them up the 15ft high cement edges of the canal.

Both shaking horses were transported to our nearby property to recuperate after their horrible ordeal. They had many cuts and scrapes and the younger one hurt her front fetlock, but they were alive! Felicity is Igraine (Iggy) band sister and what a great sister she was, she did not leave Iggy’s side and tried to shield her from the current. The reunion of the two after transportation was amazing, and they continue to be close at the rescue facility.

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Donation Total: $25 Monthly