Good News!! SRWHMG volunteers locate missing domestic horse
April 12th
Good News!! Missing domestic horse Niko was found by SRWHMG volunteers this evening. He is deep in the gullies and canyons of the Tonto National Forest with bachelor stallions Tiago and Bruno! Who are both brown (ish), but you can leave it up to our volunteers to pick out a brown horse amongst brown horses from a mile away, if it’s not a Salt River wild horse!
Niko looks well hydrated and probably owes these two bachelor stallions his life. Unfortunately they might also be the worst bachelors he could have hooked up with, in regards to approaching them and bringing Niko back home. They will likely run from horseback riders and probably take Niko with them. Attempts at his capture will be made tomorrow by his owner and team, and we are of course willing to help.
We only wish every lost horse would be missed and looked for as much as Niko. Thank you to everyone who has been looking and keeping their eyes peeled!
Hoping for an easy capture and safe homecoming.