Thank you for pitching in!
On June 24th we asked YOU, the public to help get the Salt River wild horses through a tough time again this year. With the ground still depleted from last years drought and no percipitation, the horses are in between food sources. YOU, helped raise a lot of money in ONE day to get it started! See what happens when everyone pitches in?
(Where is the pitchfork emoji)
We are now on our second semiload of hay and have spent $14,200 to date on filling our strategic feed stations. Everything is going according to plan except for the 112 degrees scorching heat!
This program is designed to make the horses think that they just found a lucky patch of grass. They still have to look for it, just like they look for their natural food sources. We drop the hay before horses are there and then we leave so that they do not associate feed with people.
We hope that people realize that this is much different than feeding wild horses by hand, which is against the law. It is illegal to interact with a Salt River wild horse without prior written permission by AZDA, our governing body.
Feed locations are hidden and undisclosed, and even our volunteers are incognito sometimes, but when you happen to come upon a feed station in the Tonto National Forest, please leave the area where horses are eating. The public is doing a fantastic job so far, not disturbing the horses.
We have gotten so much support both in the field and right here on our page. We absolutely cannot do this work without you. Please keep supporting us so that we can buy as many semi loads as needed until natural foodsources come in again.
It is the public who is affording these hungry horses their meal and it is our tireless SRWHMG volunteers who are delivering the goods! Let’s hear it for our volunteers and for yourselves, our donators and sponsors! Please share.