This guy, his name is Arco, but it should be Perseverance.

Home » This guy, his name is Arco, but it should be Perseverance.
This guy, his name is Arco, but it should be Perseverance.

This guy, his name is Arco, but it should be Perseverance.

February 22nd


This guy, his name is Arco, but it should be Perseverance. He is missing one eye completely, and has a corneal ulcer/scar in the other one. He recovered from a grody looking abscess on his head just last month, and he recovered from a fractured shoulder a few years ago. Yet still, the bachelors are learning, that you better not treat him like he’s handicapped!

Zoom in on his left eye and you’ll see it is just pink skin in his eye socket. Wild horses are amazing. (No worries, this horse is on our permanent “watch” list. It means we monitor him and make sure he’s OK all the time.) SRWHMG.

Photo by SRWHMG Rick Blandford