To all who believe in humane wild horse management, we love you
To all who believe in humane wild horse management, to all who can see clearly through the meanest of mudslinging elsewhere, and to all who take time out of their lives, time and time again, to give these sensitive, innocent, and beautiful wild horses a voice… we love you.
While we were at the house of representatives yesterday ready to stand up for the horses, the hearing for HB2858 was canceled and Kelly Townsend’s bad bill against humane wild horse management, for all intents and purposes is dead, since legislature will adjourn this Friday.
Rep Townsend had added it last moment for a Rules Committee hearing yesterday, to try to push it through amidst huge public opposition.
Big thanks to the more than 8,000 SRWHMG and AWHC supporters who wrote to Townsend and Rules committee members to object to the consideration of this controversial bill during this time of crisis.
Thank you to Rep Jay Lawrence for standing strong and removing his co-sponsorship of the bill, when rep Townsend refused to amend it.
Thank you to our coalition partner the American Wild Horse Campaign for always standing strong for the Salt River wild horses and all wild horses everywhere.
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”. Helen Keller.