Tonight’s Cleburne Auction + Results
UPDATE! ALL 5 Alpines plus 2 “Jessica” Mustangs on their way home to Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary!! Thank you sooo much for your support donors!!
——— The auction is about to start and there are a surprise 10 Jessica mustangs no one has had time to fundraise for
These are the mustangs Skydog Sanctuary raised funds for and were fattened up at Stephen and Amanda’s.
Nirvana sanctuary will home any of them with $3500, but we are out of time!
12 PM
Tonight’s Cleburne Auction’s Alpine wild horses were already at the 3000-acre Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary, with $4000 in transportation costs covered and $4000 worth of feed donated during their recovery by SRWHMG. However, a purportedly fraudulent and backdated bill of sale for 80 horses valued at $25, led to their return to Jackie Hughes. A reasonable offer from Paw4thefoundation of $600 per Alpine horse, intended to protect the horses from auction risks, was declined by Jackie Hughes so far and the auction is today.
Our Fundraising efforts today will continue to increase the price and ensure and support the horses’ permanent care at Nirvana Sanctuary.
There is a risk tonite that Jackie Hughes’ associates may engage in shill bidding practices, which investigators plan to investigate. This is why we are not doing a Facebook Fundraiser as the horses will get bid up to exactly that price which results in no money left for transport and permanent care for the horses.
The impending cold vortex in Texas poses a severe risk to the horses, potentially stranding them at the auction due to hazardous road conditions. By withdrawing the horses from the sale, Jackie Hughes can substantiate her claimed concern for their welfare, accept the offer from P.A.W 4 The Foundation, and earn $3000 from horses acquired for 31 cents.
We seek to facilitate these horses’ reunion with their families at the sanctuary, following their traumatic journey from their home in the forest, to JH holding, to an AZ boarding facility, to ROAR, to Stephen and Amanda’s to recouperate, to Nirvana Sanctuary, and back to JH holding, and now at the Cleburne auction. Omg.
Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary P.A.W 4 The Foundation , Skydog Sanctuary Whispering Winds Animal Sanctuary Return To Freedom, Wild Horse Conservation American Wild Horse Conservation Hope for the Alpine Wild Horses
#alpinewildhorses #alpinewildhorsearmy