Update: Release from Stewart Mountain Dam today 3.30.23 is 7200 CFS!
March 28th
Please everyone don’t get close to the raging lower Salt River right now, SRP just opened Stewart mountain Dam to 2700 cfs and it will go with powerful force today up to 6500 cfs, which is huge. The river which is usually a life-force can also be a dangerous place for many of it’s creatures. The flow which is kept at just a trickle in the winter at 8 cfs (we complain about that too), can become 1000 times higher today.
In a similar flood, MCSO has had to come save our volunteers before who jumped in the river to save a swept away new foal. An adult horse has also drowned a few years ago. (Halftail) This is why we worry a little bit about the opening of the Stewart mountain dam, with Lindor’s band with new baby getting a drink there every day. (And other bands too ofcourse) However, wild horses are very smart, and we are going to count on lead stallion Lindor’s street smarts to keep his band safe! (This is a picture of him from our database app.)
Stay safe everyone! SRWHMG.